Protect your home from rotten wood

Our recent work, taking care of rotten wood and putting in new gutters.

Here at Embassy Guttering we have seen rotten wood and badly ruined gutters. Here is how we step by step remove old gutters, add new aluminium gutters and add our facia and soffit.

First of all, what is facia and soffit. A lot of people in Dublin don’t know what facia and soffit is so therefore cant take care of it properly or replace it. A strong clean facia and soffit can greatly improve the look of your home. Check out the video below to see exactly where your facia and soffit is.

Recently we were working on a house with very bad rotten wood. The wood had also been covered by PVC which made the house worse. The rotten wood had spread all over the external area of the home. The wood had to be completely removed and gutters replaced. New facia and soffit was also installed. Take a look at our video and make sure you prevent your home from rotten wood.

Before replacing old gutters, we must tear down the old ones. Your builder must be fully qualified before taking down gutters. Check out our video below of our builders removing old gutters.

We use our machine on site for creating gutters and measuring them to size. The customer can see their gutters as they are being made and we can confirm they are satisfied with the results. Here you can see our machine in action before adding the gutter to it’s new home.

Lastly putting up aluminium gutters with new PVC fascia and soffit. The house already looks so more attractive, clean and clear of any rot!

For more information on our new gutters, click the link here.


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